Archive NEXT 2011

Natur Mort

Syndrome Collective (Belgium)

20 minutes

First, it’s like being in a movie theatre: the projection screen fills the space and the musicians stand behind the curtain. Does that make Natur Mort a film with a live soundtrack? Not really. You might as well call it a live performance accompanied by video images. The sophisticated lighting by Helmut Van den Meersschaut continuously shifts the focus from the image to the music and back. Enter a world where nothing is as it seems...

concept Syndrome collectief / music Mathieu Vandekerckhove, Piet Dierickx (drums) / sound Hein De Vos / video Tine Guns / lighting + set Helmut Van den Meersschaut / production Hel’s kitchen vzw / with the support of ck Kortrijk, Het Entrepot Brugge, De Kreun, TAZ.