Archive NEXT 2022

Mourn Baby Mourn

Katerina Andreou (Greece / France)

Minimum age 12+
45 minutes

Anatomy of melancholy

"C'est la première fois que je me confronte à l'écriture de textes et c'est comme si j'expirais les mots comme j'expire le mouvement" (Katerina Andreou in Ma Culture)

According to tradition, lamentation is principally a women's matter. It serves to give expression to both the personal and the collective. Mourn Baby Mourn is such a lament which is both choreography and sound art, and above all an intimate manifest. 'The background is a daily situation that resembles a sort of sadness and frustration', says Katerina Andreou, 'and that is so deep that I don't know anymore where it comes from and if it really belongs to me.'

The choreographer lets herself be inspired by gestures that possess a mixture of power and boredom, a combination that, surprisingly enough, is very present in popular culture today. The solo Mourn Baby Mourn is a cry of distress, an attempt to force her  way out of melancholy by battering at the wall with all her strength, decibels and doubts.

As a dancer the French-Greek Katerina Andreou worked together with renowned choreographers such as Emmanuelle Huynh and Lenio Kaklea. In her work as a choreographer she is interested in the tension between disciplining and free will, dependence and autonomy. For her solo A kind of fierce she was awarded the Prix Jardin d'Europe at the ImpulsTanz Festival in 2016. In NEXT 2018, she presented the solo BSTRD : dancing behind a vinyl turntable, she wondered in how far also the bastard could be authentic. In corona year 2020 she would also have presented  Zeppelin Bend.

Free buss:
  • 16/11: departure at 15:30 from Kortrijk (BK6) (Parcours with Une autre histoire du théâtre)

Development and performance: Katerina Andreou.
Sound: Katerina Andreou & Cristian Sotomayor.
Lights and set: Yannick Fouassier.
Text: Katerina Andreou.
Outside eye: Myrto Katsiki.
Video: Arnaud Pottier.
thanks to Natali Mandila, Jocelyn Cottencin & Frédéric Pouillaude.
Production and diffusion: Elodie Perrin.

Production: BARK.
Coproduction: centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie – direction Alban Richard dans le cadre du dispositif « Artiste associé », Les SUBS – lieu vivant d’expériences artistiques, Lyon, ADC Genève, Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Le CN D, La Soufflerie de Rézé, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie, dans le cadre du dispositif Accueil Studio, centre chorégraphique national Montpellier - Occitanie / Direction Christian Rizzo », Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans dans le cadre de l’accueil studio, Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans – Direction Maud Le Pladec.
With the support of: the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Île-de-France.
With the support for experimentation: from RAMDAM, UN CENTRE D’ART.