Archive NEXT 2014

More than naked

Doris Uhlich (Austria)

60 minutes

Twenty naked dancers on stage exhaust themselves to songs by Daft Punk and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Behind the turntable is the Austrian choreographer Doris Uhlich, who in more than naked investigates the political power of a body which solely consists of skin and flesh. In order to do this, Uhlich developed the special “fatdance technique” with which she winks at the Freikörperkultur and the hippie sixties. While the dancers knead each other's body and jump around, beads of sweat roll over their back. More than naked is fragile and baroque at the same time but especially also very funny by the total lack of inhibition and the pleasure of the dancers on stage. At any rate the reactions of the audience at the Impulstanzfestival in Vienna were very enthusiastic.
Let's have fun with the flesh !

29.11 Expo Buda + Mette Edvardsen + Doris Uhlich + See you next time: € 24
29.11 Kornél Mondruczo + Doris Uhlich + See you next time: € 30

* Tournai: 29.11 - 16:00h (Parcours)
* Valenciennes: 29.11 - 16:00h (Parcours)
* Villeneuve d'Ascq: 29.11 - 20:00h (Parcours)
* Koksijde: 29.11 - 19:00h (res. CC Koksijde)

“This event is made possible by INTPA – International Network for Dance and Performance Austria of Tanzquartier Wien from funds by BKA und BMEIA”.

CHOREOGRAPHY Doris Uhlich / PRODUCTION Christine Sbaschnigg & Alexandra Schröttner / insert (Theaterverein) & ImPulsTanz / PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Theresa Rauter / DRAMATURGICAL COLLABORATEUR Christine Standfest / ARTISTIC ADVISOR Yoshie Maruoka / LIGHTING DESIGNER / TECHNICAL MANAGER Nadja Räikkä / SOUND TECHNICIAN Gerald Pappneberger / PERFORMERS Zinzi Buchanan, Neil Callaghan, Paige Culley, Mihaela Alexandra Dancs, Andreea Maria David, Lucia Di Pietro, Stefanie Eisl, Aleksandar Georgiev, Tova Gerge, Katharina Hölzl, Ofelia Jarl Otega, Costas Kekis, Petros Konnaris, Lilach Livne, Milan Loviska, Aloun Marchal, Andrius Mulokas, Katarzyna Szugajew, Doris Uhlich, Andrew Tay & Thales WeilingerThis event is made possible by INTPA – International Network for Dance and Performance Austria of Tanzquartier Wien from funds by BKA und BMEIA