Archive NEXT 2023

Lullaby for Scavengers

Kim Noble (United Kingdom)

Minimum age 16+
80 minutes
English spoken
Dutch & French surtitled
"A tragic and moving portrait of a man who succeeds in converting his self-contempt into sublime art" – Charlotte De Somviele, De Standaard
“Equally disgusting and brilliant”, this is how a member of the jury of Het TheaterFestival 2022 described this unique performance. It's a fact that the British cult artist, comedian and cleaner Kim Noble leaves nobody unmoved.
In Lullaby for Scavengers he shares the stage with a cynical squirrel, a (real !) dead fox and a few scavengers, among them Maggot who he adopted as a daughter. The animals are alter egos. Noble, who identifies himself as a manic-depressive loser who lived in a sewer and in a tree, draws a merciless self-portrait with them. He reflects on wishes and dreams, on loneliness and death. And he reaches out to everyone on the fringes of society. His notes from the margin possess a poignant beauty.
This show – between video art, stand-up comedy and performance- was selected for the TheaterFestival 2022 and was showered with praise home and abroad.
In corealisation with CC Het Spoor
by & with Kim Noble dramaturgy Pol Heyvaert technical Koen Goossens, Korneel Coessens, Seppe Brouckaert, Saul Mombaerts & Squirrel music DEEWEE production CAMPO Gent coproduction Schauspiel Leipzig, Kampnagel Internationales Sommerfestival Hamburg & Festival actoral (Marseille)
 Kim would like to thank his mum and the staff at The Lord Stanley. CAMPO would like to thank Jeroen Vandesande, Toon Maillard & Michiel Tilley. Squirrel doesn’t want to thank anyone.