Archive NEXT 2019

La dispute

Mohamed El Khatib (France)

Minimum age 8+
60 minutes

Mohamed El Khatib is one of the most important representatives of documentary theatre. He was invited by Théâtre de la Ville to make a performance for young people for the first time. For months El Khatib visited schools to talk with eight-year-olds about what occupies them in daily life. The director was bewildered by the great number of children who were raised by divorced parents.

After having met dozens of children in France and abroad he gathered one hundred questions they had for their parents which got a place in the performance. These children witness domestic quarrels at close quarters but their point of view is seldom heard. With a mix of brutalilty and diffidence, emotion and roguishness, they give us an unedited view of a universal subject in our society.

Mohamed El Khatib sees daily life as his material. Far from social and cultural clichés and navigating between theatre and documentary, he tells us about it in all its richness. For Stadium he gathered some fifty supporters of Racing Club Lens on stage. C'est la vie gave the floor to two artists who lost their child. For Finir en beauté from  2016, one of his most personal performances, El Khatib pocketed the Grote Prijs van Dramatische Literatuur. In the play, he talked about the death of his mother, a housekeeper who was married to a Moroccan worker.

Free buss: 
* Departure at 14h15 from Doornik (Parcours)
* Departure at 14h30 from Kortrijk (Parcours)

CONCEPT, DIRECTION, TEXT Mohamed El Khatib / PROJECT MANAGER Marie Desgranges / WITH 8 children (current distribution) / IMAGE - EDITING Manu Manzano / PROJECT ASSISTANT Vassili Chavaroche / STAGE AND ARTISTIC COLLABORATION Fred Hocké / SOUND ENVIRONMENT Arnaud Léger / DIRECTION OF PRODUCTION Martine Bellanza PRESS Nathalie Gasser / PRODUCTION Zirlib / COPRODUCTION Festival d’Automne à Paris and Théâtre de la Ville - Paris, Tandem Douai-Arras Scène Nationale, TnB - Théâtre National de Bretagne, Espace Malraux - Scène Nationale de Chambéry et de la Savoie, Théâtre Garonne Toulouse - Scène Européenne, Scène Nationale de Beauvais, le Bois de l’Aune - Aix-enProvence, Théâtre Paul Éluard, Scène Conventionnée de Choisy-le-Roi et La Coursive – Scène Nationale de La Rochelle / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Théâtre Liberté - Toulon et de la Scène Nationale d’Aubusson. Zirlib est conventionnée par le ministère de la Culture - Drac Centre-Val de Loire, portée par la Région Centre-Val de Loire et soutenu par la Ville d’Orléans. Mohamed El Khatib est artiste associé au Théâtre de la Ville à Paris et au Théâtre National de Bretagne