Archive NEXT 2011


Olivier Normand (France)

45 minutes

L'Artificier focuses on the figure of the artist through different situations created on the stage: a concert, recital, dance solo or monologue. He tries to understand the conventions that turn a performer into a star, a diva, a celebrity, in other words: a celebrity. Grasping these representations and emptying them. L'Artificier boldly engages a paradoxical exposé: there is no one here and there is someone here.

concept and interpretation Olivier Normand / dramaturge Thibaud Croisy / lighting Sylvie Mélis /
production Echelle 1:1 / coproduction Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon / thank you to Lise Vermot, Dominique Fabrègue, La Fonderie, Performing Arts Forum