Archive NEXT 2013

Jerusalem (Holocène #1 revisited)

Berlin (Belgium)

65 minutes

Jerusalem, ‘the city of peace’, meltingpot of conflicting interests, home base of three world religions and all too often the centre of world politics. All the fault lines converge there, in the navel of the world. In 2003 Berlin created ‘Jerusalem #’ : a portrait of a city on three screens, the first of the memorable Holocene cycle (named after the current geological age). After Jerusalem followed Iqaluit, Bonanza and Moscow. Now, ten years later, Yves Degryse and Bart Baele return to their very first city. Everything has changed. New leaders, a finished security wall, a request to officially recognise Palestine as a state... But the core of the conflict has remained the same. The makers revisited the people they interviewed ten years ago and added new testimonies. “When you talk to these people, as an interviewer you are torn between two camps. That feeling is what we want to convey to the audience too”, says Degryse. Jerusalem revisited... A new city portrait, with five screens and live music. A perfect balance between theatre and documentary.

In Knack, critic Els Van Steenberghe calls the performance “a carefully composed roadmovie-on-stage that shows a poignant portrait of the strife-torn city of Jerusalem, both through the images that quiver with emotion (and heat) and the live music”

Free buss from:
* Tournai (28/11) départure 19h00 from maison de la culture
* Valenciennes (28/11) départure 19h00 from Place Poterne

WITH VOICES OF Rabbin Mike Swirsky, Maia Sigal Lesiau, Meir Shalev, Rabbin Daniël Epstein, Mahmoud Salamat, Wajeeh Nusseibeh, Père Angelo Ison, Omar al-Nady, Sheikh Muhamad Husain, Munir Nusseibeh, Ziad Alaraj, Micha Kurz, Greg Myre, Laith Youssef, Sari Nusseibeh, Suzanne and Max Singer / CONCEPT BERLIN (Bart Baele et Yves Degryse) MUSIC COMPOSED BY Peter Van Laerhoven / MUSICIANS Peter Van Laerhoven (guitar/saz), Eric Thielemans (percussion), Katelijn Van Kerckhoven (violincello), Tristan Driessens (oud) INTERVIEWS Yves Degryse / CAMERA Bart Baele, Luk Sponselee EDITING Bart Baele, Geert De Vleesschauwer, Lotte De Troyer MIXING Peter Van Laerhoven / SOUND RECORDING Tom de With, Toon Meuris, Robrecht Ghesquière, Maarten Moesen /PRODUCTION AND COMMUNICATION Laura Fierens / TECHNICAL COORDINATION Robrecht Ghesquière / GENERAL COORDINATION Natalie Schrauwen / FINANCIAL MANAGER Kurt Lannoye / CONSTRUCTION SCENERY Manu Siebens, Jef De Cremer / STAGE CRAFTS Jef Loots / COSTUMES Kim Troubleyn / STAGE PHOTOGRAPHY Gaël Maleux / ARABIC TRANSLATION Majd Khalifeh DRIVER Nour Siam / PRODUCTION BERLIN / INTERN Heleen De Boever / COPRODUCTION TEMPS D’IMAGES / CENTQUATRE – Paris (FR); PACT ZOLLVEREIN – Essen (DE) ; La Comédie de Valence - Centre dramatique national Drôme Ardèche (FR) et Le Lux, Scène nationale de Valence (FR), SPIELART Festival/Münchner Kammerspiele, München (DE) / WITH THE SUPPORT OF the Flemish Government / BERLIN is an associated artist of CENTQUATRE – Paris