Archive NEXT 2018

Il pourra toujours dire que c'est pour l'amour du prophète

Gurshad Shaheman (Iran / France)

90 minutes

Identity is at stake in this oratorio about refugees

As a boy Nowara was a television star. Yasmine won a modelling competition but the agency dropped her when she appeared to be a transgender. For this piece the Iranian Gurshad Shaheman talked to some twenty refugees. They have in common that they left the Middle East of the Maghreb in order to finally be able to express their ideas and emotions.

Now Shaheman brings together their stories in an oratorio for fourteen actors. On stage they transform narrated passages from their life into a mesmerising maze of sound. In their presence, each gesture, however small, appears to be essential to welcome a life, to make the difference between violence and love, a tortured and a loved body.

In this three-part piece Shaheman accompanies the actors on a journey to their early love experiences and the first questions about their sexual and religious identity. He follows them to the causes of their exile. But he also looks at the future. This performance, selected for the prestigious Festival d'Avignon, is an urgent work of art that longs for more voices. Gurshad Shaheman defends art as a unique way to design these testimonies. For him theatre is a complete sensuous experience.

Gurshad Shaheman was trained in Cannes and Marseille and worked as an actor, production assistant and French translator of Iranian literature. Inspired by The artist is present, the legendary performance of Marina Abramovich, he created Touch me, in which the public was invited to have physical contact with him to design his story. For the three-part performance Pourama Pourama that developed from it, he drew from the rich history of his life, navigating between theatre, sound installation and performance. Shaheman is associated with the Centre Dramatique National of Normandy-Rouen and is supported by the Phénix Scène Nationale Valenciennes as an artist within the Pôle Européen de Création.

Gurshad Shaheman
Il pourra toujours dire que c’est pour l’amour du prophète

TEXT & DIRECTION Gurshad Shaheman / WITH 14 STUDENTS FROM ENSEMBLE 26 ERACM (Cannes, Marseille) : Tiebeu Marc-Henry Brissy Ghadout, Flora Chéreau, Sophie Claret, Samuel Diot, Léa Douziech, Juliette Evenard, Ana Maria Haddad Zavadinack, Thibaut Kuttler, Tamara Lipszyc, Nans Merieux, Eve Pereur, Robin Redjadj, Lucas Sanchez, Antonin Totot / SOUND CREATION Lucien Gaudion / STAGE MANAGER & LIGHT CREATION Aline Jobert / SCENOGRAPHY Mathieu Lorry Dupuy / DRAMATURGY Youness Anzane / DIRECTION ASSISTANT Thomas Rousselot / LIGHTING DESIGN Jeremy Meysen / SOUND DESIGN Pauline Parneix / COSTUMES Jocelyne Monier / TESTIMONIES COLLECTION Amer Ghaddar / ASSOCIATE PRODUCTION Festival Les Rencontres à l’échelle / Les Bancs Publics / COPRODUCTION Centre Dramatique National de Normandie-Rouen / Pôle Arts de la Scène – Friche la Belle de Mai / Festival d’Avignon / le phénix scène nationale  Valenciennes pôle européen de création / CCAM - Scène Nationale de Vandoeuvre-lès Nancy / Festival Passages and Théâtre de Liège as part of Bérénice network / SUPPORTED BY Interreg V Grande Région programme / École Régionale d’Acteurs de Cannes et Marseille / WITH SUPPORT OF Villa Médicis Hors les Murs - Institut français / La Chambre d’eau (Le Favril) / SPECIAL THANKS TO Joe et Helem Lebanon (Beyrouth) / Marina Galanou and la Greek Transgender Support Association (Athènes) / From september 2017 Gurshad Shaheman is an associate artist at CDN Normandie-Rouen and artist supported by le phénix - scène nationale de Valenciennes dans le cadre du Campus du Pôle européen de création.