Our tax havens are targeted in this razor-sharp play
In 2015 the Canadian economist Alain Deneault declared on the radio : “Waiting for a bus at -20 degrees is the consequence of tax avoidance”. A bizarre statement but if you examine it, you soon notice how comprehensive the redistribution of money is. BUDA resident Alix Dufresne found that companies in Canada contribute only 10% of taxes due. They prefer hiding their billions of dollars in tax havens. With Deneault's statement in mind choreographer/dancer Dufresne and dancer Marc Béland broach an ultra- topical but confronting theme on stage. How does our tax evasion and that of others influence daily life ? Hidden Paradise is both documentary theatre and dance as well as journalistic fiction.
Dufresne : “In this performance we work with absurd elements and repetition around the fact that tax havens are a known item with which we are seldom directly confronted : consequently we keep ignoring them and even contribute to them without realising it.”
Alix Dufresne is a young Canadian choreographer who has created a polyvalent oeuvre in recent years. Between dance and theatre, the physical and the political, Dufresne aims at a sensuous and conscious approach that encourages the conversations between bodies. She starts from the conviction that political and social themes interest the public when they are presented appropriately. From this reality she wants to stimulate discussions that go from current problems to the lost paradise of youth.
Marc Béland has played the stage for more than thirty years. He is known for his great artistic sensitivity, his rigorous work ethic and his boundless generosity. He was a member of La La La Human Steps of the legendary Edouard Lock from 1984 until 1989 and has since created a lot of unforgettable characters on the stages of Québec. Also as a director he has built up an impressive career. With Dufresne, Béland also made the performance Dancers in 2017.
Alix Dufresne & Marc Béland
Hidden paradise
Idéation et interprétation | Ideation and performance: Alix Dufresne & Marc Béland. Regard artistique | Outside Eye: Sophie Corriveau. Dramaturgie | Dramaturgy: Andréane Roy. Composition sonore | Sound composition: Larsen Lupin. Scénographie et costumes | Set and costume design: Odile Camache. Conception lumières | Lighting design: Cédric Delorme-Bouchard. Conseillère mouvement | Movement advisor: Hendrickx Ntela. Direction technique et régie | Technical director and stage management: Caroline Nadeau. Production déléguée | Delegate production: LA SERRE – arts vivants. Avec le soutien du | With the support of: Conseil des arts du Canada, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec & Conseil des arts de Montréal. Résidences de créations | Creatives residencies: Théâtre du Marais Val-Morin, Maison de la culture du Plateau Mont-Royal Montréal, Kunstencentrum BUDA Courtrai (Belgique), Les Brigittines, Centre d’Art contemporain du Mouvement de la Ville de Bruxelles, Belgique Compagnie Marie Chouinard Montréal, Carrefour culturel de Notre-Dame-des-Prairies & Festival Quartiers Danses Montréal. Matériau dramaturgique: Bazzo, M-F. (2015, 9 février). Entrevue avec Alain Deneault : Fortunes canadiennes à l’abri de l’impôt en Suisse avec Alain Deneault. Radio-Canada. Récupéré de http://ici.radio-canada.ca/emissions/c_est_pas_trop_tot/2014-2015/chronique.asp?idChronique=362850