Archive NEXT 2015

Here, Then

Rémy Héritier (France) & Marcelline Delbecq (France)

The camera obscura remains a magic phenomenon. By making a little hole in a black box, the light that enters throws a projection on the back wall of the box but upside down. In the Renaissance painters already used this trick to project an image on their canvas. In Here, Then choreographer Rémy Héritier and visual artist Marcelline Delbecq, both of them big names in France, apply this principle to dance. Five dancers move behind a black curtain while you see their live projection in the forefront – in an analogue way, there is nothing digital about this ! The dancers also frequently come to the forefront so that an interesting dialogue arises between the two levels of depth. The voice over texts suggest all sorts of new meanings.
Good old school !


RÉMY HÉRITIER, born in France in 1977, is choreograph and dancer. Since 1999 he has been performing or collaborating with artists such as Laurent Chétouane, DD Dorvillier, Philipp Gehmacher, Mathilde Monnier, Jennifer Lacey, Laurent Pichaud, Loïc Touzé, etc. In 2003 he created his own company GBOD! and has created more than a dozen works that was shown in France, Europe and the USA. In these different pieces, Rémy Héritier involves in his choreographic writing the reoccurrence of temporal, spatial strata in places, developing the depth of the past to reach the present. This archaeological excavation in a given context, his personal history of dance as well as that of his collaborators, enables him to shift towards notions linked to other disciplines such as intertextuality, re-enactment or the Third landscape, and thereby to convoke a new poetics of gesture.
After studying photography in Chicago (Columbia College) and New York (ICP), Marcelline Delbecq (b.1977) graduated from the Beaux-Arts school in Caen (France), then received a masters degree in curatorial studies from Université de Paris X-Nanterre. She was in residency at Pavillon in Palais de Tokyo in 2005 and was the French resident at Triangle in Brooklyn in 2007-2008. She has gradually moved away from photography to focus on the cinematic potential of writing through installations, films, readings and publications. She uses both narrative and narrator (the voice) to create an uncanny world where texts, turned into sound, generate mental images shifting from description to fiction, from past to present. Voices act like voice-overs to cinematic narratives where words, transformed into visions, call the whole act of beholding into question.
* Kortrijk: 26.11 - 18:45

CHOREOGRAPHY: Rémy Héritier, TEXT: Marcelline Delbecq, PERFORMED BY: Nuno Bizarro, Madeleine Fournier, Rémy Héritier, Sandra Iché, MUSIC: Sébastien Roux, LIGHT: Ludovic Rivière, Production : GBOD! Coproductions : Musée de la Danse - Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes et de Bretagne, dans le cadre de la mission Accueil-studio, le Vivat - Scène conventionnée danse et théâtre d'Armentières, le Phénix - scène nationale de Valenciennes, Centre National de la Danse – Pantin, CDC Toulouse / Midi-Pyrénées. Accueil studio : Ballet du Nord - Olivier Dubois, CCN de Roubaix Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Résidences : IASPIS – Stockholm, Mount Analogue – Stockholm, Ballet du Nord - CCN de Roubaix Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Centre National de la Danse – Pantin, Scène nationale d’Orléans, CDC Toulouse / Midi-Pyrénées, Musée de la danse – Rennes, Kunstencentrum Buda – Kortrijk, le Vivat - Scène conventionnée danse et théâtre d'Armentières. Bourses : lauréat de la bourse IASPIS (Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Program), lauréat de la bourse de la FNAGP (Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques), lauréat de la bourse d’aide à l’écriture chorégraphique Beaumarchais-SACD. Avec les soutiens du DICRéAM-CNC, du Conseil régional de Nord Pas de Calais, de l’ADAMI, de la SPEDIDAM et de Culture o centre. GBOD! / Rémy Héritier est soutenue par la DRAC Nord Pas-de-Calais au titre de l’aide à la compagnie.