Archive NEXT 2021


Trân Tran (Switzerland) & Cie TOAST (Switzerland)

Minimum age 10+
50 minutes

Why do we go to the theatre ? To laugh ? To be moved ? To be able to escape in a story ? Or, more trivially, to get value for money ?

At the back of the stage, there is a large screen with possible answers to this question. It's up to the public to show its colours. Each answer is spoken aloud and is the occasion for a new scene in which Tran Tran tries to live up to the pronounced expectations as a fully qualified professional. She has no lack of ideas or stage props. She connects all scenes according to a perfect art of permutation. A piece full of digressions which ultimately allow Tran to talk about things that go much deeper than they seem.

In a mischievous mise-en-abyme of the actor and the spectator, HERE & NOW re-interprets the pact that is the basis of the performance. In this way the performance celebrates the most beautiful here and now there is : the space- time of the theatre.

The TOAST company, founded in 2017, gathers artists, actors, dancers, architects and other lovers of culture. In the meantime the Swiss artist Tran Tran has made two creations with the company. In 2018 HERE & NOW was programmed at the prestigious OFF festival of Avignon.

“The chance of a lifetime to discover a fine and mischievous artist” (Thierry Sartoretti, RTS)

Dance warmup at 19:30