For his first solo performance, the young dancer-choreographer Jérôme Brabant travels to his heimat, the African Isle of Réunion. “In 2009 I returned to the country of my birth where I hadn’t been for 5 years”, he explains. He was struck by the strong character of its natural environment. Heimat was born from that experience. An important source of inspiration is the mayola, a traditional music and dance genre from Réunion that reaches back to the music of the former slaves. The performance is a journey to the homeland, the (own) origin and more. The dancer surrenders to an unknown ritual. Gradually, other images take over the scene. Only with the help of a series of simple cone-shaped objects, (white pointed hats) Brabant transforms his own body into a living statue. “In my solo, I investigate how your body carries your place of origin with it”, he says. In a strange, almost animal performance with knocking, mechanical movements, heimat and body become one. The electronic music, the scanty lighting and the correct use of silence all contribute to the hypnotizing atmosphere of this ‘geological’ dance.

Jérôme Brabant was born in 1973. He received theatre, mime and choreography training in France. Afterwards he worked for various companies and in 2011 he founded his own group L’Octogonale.

Free buss from:
* Courtrai (30/11) départure 15h30 from Conservatorium (Parcours with Emmanuelle Raynaut, Christian Rizzo & See You NEXT Time (meal included))

CONCEPT, CHOREOGRAPHY AND PERFORMANCE Jérôme Brabant / SOUND EDITING Yohan Bourgis based on a music of Plimplim / LIGHTS Marc Vergely / ASSOCIATE PRODUCTION CDC Toulouse - Midi-Pyrénées Support CDC Toulouse - Midi-Pyrénées / TEAT Plein air - TEAT Champ fleuri, Théâtres départementaux de La Réunion / Le Centre de Développement Chorégraphique Toulouse / Midi-Pyrénées is supported by DRAC Midi-Pyrénées, Ville de Toulouse et Région Midi-Pyrénées