Archive NEXT 2010

For Faces

Antonia Baehr (Germany)

45 minutes

In For Faces, a ‘choreographic quartet for the face', in a small amphitheater four performers sit in the middle of a circle of spectators. Their four faces are the playing fi eld in this subtle panorama of space and time, a landscape of features in mutation. The viewer's perception swings between seeing the face as an object for contemplation and, in the next moment, as the communicative part of a human being inciting empathy.

concept and choreography Antonia Baehr / choreography by and performed by Sabine Ercklentz, Andrea Neumann, Arantxa Martinez, William Wheeler / dramaturgy Lindy Annis / lights and technical direction Sylvie Garot / stage and costumes Katja Wetzel / production Alexandra Wellensiek / this project was supported by WEB 1.5, Vooruit (Gent) - Frascati (Amsterdam) – Kunstencentrum BUDA (Kortrijk) - HAU (Berlin) - fabrik (Potsdam) – Tanzquartier (Wenen) / thanks to WPZimmer (Antwerp) / with the support of Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Berlin), make up productions