Archive NEXT 2019

Expo LAM: Peintre, Spirites et Guérisseur

Augustin Lesage (France), Victor Simon (France) & Fleury Joseph Crépin (France)

Minimum age 8+
60 minutes

In the middle of the 19th century, communicating with ghosts was a popular social phenomenon. The spiritist wave blew over from America and appeared to be very fruitful in Europe, especially in France, which was flooded by wars from 1870 onwards. This exhibition bundles the three greats of spiritist painting : Augustin Lesage (1876-1954), Victor Simon (1903-1976) and Fleury Joseph Crépin (1875-1948).

These workers never took painting lessons but in the coal-mines of Hauts-de-France they heard ghosts telling them exactly the same : “One day you will be a painter”. What their paintings have in common is the use of bead motifs, the representation of Egyptian architecture and tombs, hindu palaces and temples. Their work -influenced by islamic and christian art but also bearing evidence of the hard reality in the mines and two world wars- belongs to the most astonishing that art brut has produced. Through the development and artistic world tour of three autodidacts this exhibition offers a rare insight into the nature of spiritism.

With more than 7000 works LaM is one of the few European museums with such a variety of paths and directions in the art of the 20th and 21st century. Established in an exceptional statue park in Lille, the museum combines a striking panorama with modern art, contemporary art as well as art brut. All through the year LaM offers temporary exhibitions of international standing.

Free buss:
* 15/11: Departure at 18h30 from Villeneuve d'Ascq (métro Pont de Bois) (Parcours)
* 30/11: Departure at 14h from Valenciennes (Parcours)
* 07/12: Departure at 14h15 from Doornik (Parcours)
* 07/12: Departure at 14h30 from Kortrijk (Parcours)

The expo can be visited daily from 04/10 until 05/01/20 between 10h and 18h

Meer info:

ORGANIZATION Musée LaM / CURATOR Savine Faupin, chief curator in charge of art brut at Musée LaM, Christophe Boulanger, conservation attaché in charge of the art brut, assisted by Gaye-Thaïs Florent