Archive NEXT 2018


Play Kortrijk

Interactive expo that guides you through town ánd art

Play : as a child we suddenly discover it, out of nothingness. But playing also influences our social behaviour and reflects the evolution of society. Exactly 80 years ago, in 1938, the book Homo Ludens (Latin for 'playing man') was published by Johan Huizinga. The Dutch historian sees playing as a specifically human activity defined by rules and agreements. Play always unrolls in a relaxed atmosphere and brings joy and enthusiasm. It can be defined as part of a feast or as amusement. At the same time one of the defining factors is also often a certain suspense, which heightens the pleasure. No freedom without limitation, no relaxation without suspense.

The Kortrijk town festival PLAY wants to analyse our relationship with play. By means of strong visual installations spread all over town, the visitor gets an insight into the evolution of play but is also prompted to rediscover Kortrijk. In this way PLAY addresses all generations : on the one hand the exhibition shows how our urban environment is part of our daily existence. On the other hand PLAY has a high interactive and entertaining quality, an ideal combination for young people to enjoy themselves and get acquainted with visual art. In PLAY the visitor, from a passive spectator becomes for a moment an actor who participates in an intense experience.

The interactive exhibition was installed by the West-Flemish curators Hilde Teerlinck (CEO of the Han Nefkens foundation in Barcelona) and Patrick Ronse (artistic leader Be-Part, Platform for current art). It is the first exhibition of contemporary art in the public space of Kortrijk. The free festival, with 44 renowned national and international artists such as David Claerbout, Wim Delvoye, Martin Creed and Pipilotti Rist, takes place in various inside and outside locations. Through creative interventions in the heart of the town you discover the contemporary visual art while playing.

With works of:
Guillaume Bijl (BE), Leo Copers (BE), Martin Creed (UK), Polly Apfelbaum (US), Carlos Amorales (MX), Jeppe Hein (DK), Wim Delvoye (BE), David Claerbout (BE), Paul Mccarthy (US), Jennifer Rubell (US), Pipilotti Rist (CH), Pierre Bismuth (FR), Stefan Brüggemann (MX), Marc Bijl (NL), Barbara Davi (CH), Hans-Peter Feldmann (DE)