Smirking at the future of French art

Panorama is the annual appointment with the newest creations from Le Fresnoy, the internationally recognised school in Tourcoing for contemporary audiovisual and multimedia art. The exhibition presents more than 50 works in the domain of visual, digital and audio art.  The works have not been exhibited before and are the result of a year of research, experiment and cooperation among young artists from all over the world.

The pieces of these promising youngsters sometimes are just plans and sketches but always driven by necessity and spontaneity. Moreover,  each year guest artists mix with the youngsters who share the space with them and make their work at the same time. This year, for instance, the legendary Hungarian film director Béla Tarr took part. In former editions celebrities like Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Pina Bausch were guests. By pairing off experienced makers and innovative young wolves Le Fresnoy creates year after year a creative community in which artists of different generations and backgrounds grow and inspire each other.

For the two student promotions of this year film directors Michelangelo Antonioni and Chantal Akerman are the inspirators and protectors on duty. The first is sort of the inventor of modernity in cinema, the second is the most important experimental film maker Belgium has ever had. Their artistic heritages encourage the artists, each in his own discipline, to fully exploit their ideas.

Each Panorama is a gauge without competition between students and a compass for contemporary art in France and outside it. The 20th edition as a whole doesn't present an exhibition but a multifaceted adventure that tickles our senses, imagination ánd curiosity. Of all events Panorama most bears the Fresnoy stamp. At a former NEXTFestival Panorama 17 was to be seen.

Free buss: 
* 10/11: Departure at 14h30 from Kortrijk (Parcours: expo Panorama + GUERRILLA + Farci.e)
* 01/12: Departure at 
14h from Valenciennes (Parcours: expo Panorama + A.G.U.A. + HATE + See You Next Time)