The Affectos Humanos revisited
“a powerful demanding performance with an erotic subtext” (Toute La Culture)
In Ecce (H)omo the Brazilian Paula Pi dances the Affectos Humanos of the German choreographer Dore Hoyer : an epoch-making composition of expressionism and modern dance in general to music of Dimitri Wiatowitsch.
Hoyer choreographed five human 'affects' : vanity, longing, hate, anxiety and -last but not least- love. Pi catapults these affects to the 21st century and peppers Hoyer's work with pressing questions and textual digressions about all sorts of feelings, the legitimacy of certain (artistic) choices and travesty.
More generally Ecce (H)omo is an exercise in discovering and understanding what is strange to us : an other body,, an other language, an other history. When Paula Pi, who by nature has an androgyn look, draws a moustache, it's because she wants to put herself in the shoes of the other – as long as the dance lasts.
Ecce (H)omo is a sober and intimate solo that reflects on intangible heritage and the relationship between a curious artist and an elderly work. A performance like an archaeological excavation : both in the present and in the past. The “Omo” of the title is not accidentally a reference to the well-known archaeological site in Ethiopia...
Before Paula Pi discovered the universe of modern dance, she studied music, theatre and butoh. After taking the e.x.e.r.c.e.- programme at the Institut Choréographique International in Montpellier, she started dancing with a.o. Holly Cavrell, Clarissa Sachelli and Anna Anderegg. Ecce (H)omo is the solo that ensued from her master.
CREATED & PERFORMED BY Paula Pi EXTERNAL VIEW, SUPPORT & SCENOGRAPHY Pauline Brun DRAMATURGIC COLLABORATION Pauline Le Boulba LIGHTING DESIGNER Florian Leduc BASED ON AN ORIGINAL CHOREOGRAPHY BY Dore Hoyer (music Dimitri Wiatowitsch) - © Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln DANCES TRANSMISSION Martin Nachbar PRODUCTION BUREAU PRODUIRE / Claire Guièze & Cédric Andrieux COPRODUCTION ICI - CCN de Montpellier/Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées with Life Long Burning, Centre national de la danse, PACT Zollverein, Honolulu with CCN de Nantes, Théâtre de Poche de Hédé-Bazouges with Extension Sauvage WITH SUPPORT OF Fonds Transfabrik – Fonds franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant THIS PROJECT BENEFITED FROM THE HELP OF Centre Français de Berlin (in the framework of creation residence), Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln