The Dutch word 'drift' refers both to 'drift' and 'break adrift' as to 'rage' and 'diligence'. In this new duet the Belgian choreographer Cindy Van Acker let herself be inspired by the different associations this title evokes. Drift may well be her most abstract performance so far, in which the performers are 'dehumanized' and -together with light, sound and scenography- form one complete work of art. In a setting full of lines the dancers circle around each other like two comets until they are sucked towards each other and eventually completely absorbed in each other. “Drift is a mecanic and cosmic ballet”, wrote Le Temps. A geometric gem from outer space ! The Italian Grandmaster Romeo Castellucci is a big fan...not for nothing !
CONCEPT, CHOREOGRAPHY: Cindy Van Acker, DANCERS: Daniela Zaghini, Cindy Van Acker / MUSIC: Vincent Haenni, Dennis Rollet, SCENOGRAPHY, CONCEPT & CONSTRUCTION: Victor Roy, LIGHTING DESIGN: Luc Gendroz, Victor Roy, COSTUMES VRAC SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: Khalil Klouche, ADMINISTRATION: Aude Seigne, TOUR-MANAGING: Tutu Production / Véronique Maréchal, CO-PRODUCTION: ADC (Genève), Kaaitheater, Rencontres chorégraphiques de Seine-Saint-Denis et Centre National de la Danse (Paris), Théâtre Les Halles (Sierre), Arsenic (Lausanne), SUPPORT: Ville de Genève, Canton de Genève & Pro Helvetia, Loterie Romande, Fondation Leenaards, Fondation Ernst-Göhner, Pour-cent Culturel Migros, Colodis