Walking tables, exploding fuse boxes, a pair of stumbling trousers...in recent years, the Ghent Miet Warlop has bombarded us with the craziest images in shows such as Springville and Mystery Magnet. Her performances are a mixture between absurd theatre and weird tableau vivants. Until now, Miet Warlop has always worked with a large group of performers, but in Dragging the bone she's alone on stage for the first time. Starting point for this performance is a small ancient sculpture referring to seers who could read the will of the gods in the entrails of sheep. Warlop herself plays an oracle and goes in search of the ecstasy that comes after pain and sorrow. Brace yourself for an impressive stream of images and associations, which only Miet Warlop can produce !
* Kortrijk: 20.11 - 18:45h
CONCEPT, DIRECTION, SCULPTURES AND PERFORMANCE Miet Warlop / ASSISTED BY Barbara Vackier and Ian Gyselinck / MUSIC AND VOICE Dimitri Brusselmans and Reggie Watts / PRODUCTION Nele Keukelier / TECHNIQUE Niels Ieven / OUTSIDE EYE Danai Anessiadou and Michael Borremans / MANAGING Leen Laconte / ADMINISTRATION Irene Whool vzw / PRODUCTION, SELLING AND TOUR MANAGEMENT Latitudes Prod (Lille) / COPRODUCTION Beursschouwburg Brussels, Art center Vooruit Ghent, festival NEXT (Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai + Valenciennes), Festival Automne en Normandie, Gessnerallee Zurich, Théâtre Les Ateliers-Lyon, TJP Centre Dramatique National d’Alsace Strasbourg, Network Open Latitudes (Latitudes Contemporaines – Vooruit – L’Arsenic – Body/Mind – Teatro delle moire – Sin Arts Culture - le phénix - MIR Festival – Materiais Diversos), WP Zimmer Antwerp / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Festival Actoral, CAMPO, les Ballets C de la B, le proramme Culture de l’Union Européenne.