Archive NEXT 2012

Dopo la Battaglia - SOLD OUT

Compagnia Pippo Delbono (Italy)

110 minutes

Can you dance during the war ? Can you make a cheerful performance that touches on current events ? In Dopo la battaglia (After the fight) Pippo Delbono creates a series of moving and very aesthetic images.More than anybody else he succeeds in mixing moments of joy with moments of great pain and bewilderment. He looks for the truth, even in madness. He turns the sorrow of today into confidence for tomorrow.

Pippo Delbono : “Dopo la battaglia originated from the need to escape, to return, to roar, to cry, to laugh, to play again, to lose myself, to look for a new core, a new revolt, to find back confidence and acuteness, to start talking again about love, to talk with the body, with sound, with dance.”

 The unconventional Italian theatre maker Pippo Delbono is famous world-wide for his extremely unique theatre language which rather prefers addressing emotion above reason. He likes mixed casts in which professional performers share the stage with remarkable amateurs. Dopo la battaglia is an homage to Pina Bausch, whom Delbono used to work with.

Concept and mise en scène Pippo Delbono / With Dolly Albertin, Gianluca Ballaré, Bobò, Pippo Delbono, Ilaria Distante, Simone Goggiano, Mario Intruglio, Nelson Lariccia, Marigia Maggipinto, Julia Morawietz, Gianni Parenti, Pepe Robledo, Grazia Spinella et la participation de Alexander Balanescu / Music Alexander Balanescu / Lights Robert John Resteghini / Scenography Claude Santerre / Costumes Antonella Cannarozzi / Translation Christian Leblanc / Technical Direction Fabio Sajiz / Sound Corrado Mazzone / Light Orlando Bolognesi / General Director Gianlucà Bolla / Director and video Mattia Manna / Costume assistent Elena Giampaoli / Subtitles Raffaella Ciuffreda / Production management Alessandra Vinanti / Organisation Italy Silvia Cassanelli, Raffaella Ciuffreda / Administration France Christian Leblanc / Stage construction Laboratoire D ex M / Costumes Théâtre de la Place – Liège / Production Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione,Coproduction Teatro di Roma, Théâtre du Rond Point - Paris, Théâtre de la Place - Liege, Théâtre National de Bretagne - Rennes / Thanks Teatro Pubblico Pugliese e Cinémathèque Suisse