Magnum Opus of the most relevant theatre company from The Netherlands.
A lot of theatre companies derive their name from the title of their first production. Yet De Warme Winkel already has 30 performances to its name without ever having reached this zero point. Now the time is ripe ! In de warme winkel the most relevant company from The Netherlands creates the ultimate version of its own world. Inimitable, poetic and imbued with humour they knead their characteristic stylistic devices into a dazzling and urgent grand finale, a closing piece in their oeuvre : not a swan song but a magnum opus. De Warme Winkel has always watched iconic performances of illustrious colleagues such as Romeo Castellucci and Pina Bausch with great admiration. What characterizes the famous canon ? What distinguishes the great ones from the mediocre ? And how do we get beyond that ? Together with the artists' collective Eddie the Eagle Museum, De Warme Winkel explicitly wants to measure up to these gods of the theatre world. Quite a challenge !
With the world history as a source of inspiration and the history of theatre as luggage De Warme Winkel is in a constant fight to give shape to its headstrong vision in a contemporary way in spectacular and multi-layered pieces. De Warme Winkel plays militant, energetic performances, raw and packed with history. “The consistently most exciting theatre group of this moment”, wrote Het Parool. “A theatre group you fall in love with for good”, added De Telegraaf. In the past years De Warme Winkel has collected a string of selections for the Theatre Festival, for unforgettable productions such as Gavrilo Princip, San Francisco and The gloomiest performance ever (which makes the whole audience weep). Now they work together for the first time with the Eddie The Eagle Museum, a subversive museum without a fixed location or collection. Initially an artists' collective, it now functions like a chameleon which -depending on the situation- can take the shape of artist, curator, concept developer or platform for others artists. An exciting cooperation !
*Villeneuve d'Ascq: 25.11 - 19:15
*Tournai 25.11 - 19:15
concept en spel Mara van Vlijmen, Vincent Rietveld, Ward Weemhoff, Sofie Porro (stage), Kim Karssen (stage) en Rob Smorenberg (stage) eindregie Bianca van der Schoot regie assisitentie Sanna Vrij lichtontwerp Prem Scholte Albers productie coördinatie Carry Hendriks productieleiding Floortje Halters
productie Lisa Kampen (stage) technische coördinatie en lichttechniek HP Hulscher geluidstechniek Ivar van der Molen zakelijke leiding Silvie Dees planning en verkoop Marloes Marinussen bureaumanagement Thomas Vanderwalle marketing en publiciteit Anne-Fleur Huiskamp publiciteit Sanne van de Kraats
met dank aan Daniël Haije
In coproductie met deSingel Antwerpen, Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam & NEXT festival
Met steun van Gemeente Utrecht, Fonds Podiumkunsten en Ammodo.
Powered by Toneelgroep Amsterdam.