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Lisaboa Houbrechts (Belgium) & Harmonia sacra (Belgium)

Minimum age 15+
120 minutes

Who is Dulle Griet ? And who is her spiritual father Pieter Bruegel senior (1525-1569) ? Theatre maker Lisaboa Houbrechts of Toneelhuis lets her tell herself. The iconic Dulle Griet travels back with us through time to the 16th century in search of the origin of her image and the reason why Bruegel created her in this way. She is the woman who is taunted as a virago because she steals objects for hell. But what if she doesn't steal these objects but just tries to salvage them ?

Bruegel is a story based on these lost objects. About the wars that are raging both within and around Dulle Griet. About a painted figure that steps out of her frame. About flexibility beyond man-woman thinking. Together with a talented young cast, the polyphonic ensemble Harmonia Sacra and kamancheh player Mostafa Taleb, Houbrechts creates a kaleidoscopic portrait that echoes a long time.

Lisaboa Houbrechts is one of the most promising directors of Flemish theatre. With Kuiperskaai she already made the daring 1095 (2017) and the controversial Hamlet (2018). 1095 took us to the dark world of the crusades. The raw adaptation of Hamlet yielded a surprising family portrait, now intimate, then again frantic. Each time Lisaboa Houbrechts challenges her performers to a variety of acting styles that are allowed to chafe and clash. Via the P.U.L.S. project for young talent she is connected to the Antwerp city theatre Toneelhuis.