Archive NEXT 2020


Boris Charmatz (France)

150 minutes

At NEXT 2019 Boris Charmatz presented his newest creation Infini. In the beginning of March he returned to Espace Pasolini for the Cabaret des Curiosités, where he showed his interpretation of (sans titre) (2000) of Tino Sehgal. For NEXT 2020 Charmatz had a great plan : he wanted to unleash a storm of gestures with a mass of dancers and the inhabitants of Hauts-de-France. Alas, working with a crowd of people is no longer that simple in times of corona crisis...

But also setbacks stimulate the choreographer : “The name of the NEXT festival has never been better chosen than now. Isn't this what we all do today : look forward, think about what next, dream ?” From the abundance of his old plan Charmatz now filters a series of duets. From the storm he keeps the thundering and the stamina. But the result is so much more intimate.

1900 is the year in which Reigen was published, the notorious theatre text by Arthur Schnitzler. Reigen was a roundel of love, a Viennese waltz of the wrong sort : in a string of meetings five men and women cheat on each other. The ten couples don't really get together but Schnitzler's cycle does make a constant meeting possible. In 1900  Boris Charmatz draws a vital swinging core from the famous scandal play.

Boris Charmatz is one of the key figures of contemporary dance in France. In 2009 Charmatz was appointed director of the Centre Choréographique national de Rennes et de Bretagne, which he transformed into an innovative dance museum, the Musée de la danse.