Fifteen years ago a man of forty seduced a twelve-year-old girl. This forbidden love brought him shame and a prison sentence. It obliged him to move and to change his name and profession. Meanwhile, by trial and error, he has built a new, relatively successful life for himself. The girl has become a woman and still struggles with the affair. Her contradictory feelings go from anger to curiosity, from confusion to attraction. She recognises him in a photograph and seeks the confrontation. One day she goes to the place where he works now. She has questions. She wants answers. He takes her to a quieter place, away from his colleagues, and a strange dialogue ensues, tense to bursting point. The Scottish playwright David Harrower writes it down with a remarkable sense of subtlety. Blackbird is a strong and moving text about a subject that is only seldom dealt with in such a direct way.
The brand-new Liège Collectif Impakt chooses this text for its very first project. A performance with guts. A statement. “The spectator is torn between him and her. Who is right ?”, says actor and co-director Jérôme Falloise. Colleague Sarah Lefevre adds, “The characters really go through a very special emotional roller coaster. Also as an actress it’s pleasant to work with this material”.
Free buss from:
* Tournai (21/11) at 18h30 from maison de la culture
AUTHOR David Harrower / TRANSLATION Zabou Breitman and Léa Drucker / WITH Lefèvre and Jérôme de Falloise (child : Clara Flandroy and Lara Toussaint - alternately) / COLLECTIVE CREATION Jérôme de Falloise, Clara Flandroy, Sarah Lefèvre, Wim Lots, Fred Op de Beeck, Raven Ruëll, Manu Savini, Anne-Sophie Sterck and Lara Toussaint / A CREATION BY Collectif IMPAKT / IN COPRODUCTION WITH Le Groupov and Le Théâtre de la Place – Centre dramatique de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles-Centre Européen de la création théâtrale & chorégraphique / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Service général des arts de la Scène de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Région Wallonne, the Province de Liège and Théâtre & Publics / L’Arche is the editing and theatrical agent of the presented text