The evolution of mankind and the universe prepped in a pressure cooker and tastily served to you on stage. It is what the French theatre maker Philippe Quesne performs in his new show Big Bang. Big Bang takes place on an island where a group of castaways reinvent the world and history unfolds itself in an accelerated fashion. First there's vegetative life, then there’s animal life. What happens when man appears?

conception, direction and scenography Philippe Quesne / with Isabelle Angotti, Rodolphe Auté, Jung-Ae Kim, Émilien Tessier, César Vayssié, Gaëtan Vourc’h /
artistic and technical collaboration Yvan Clédat, Cyril
Gomez-Mathieu / music Aki Onda, Flowers from the man who shot your cousin, André Prévin, Aphex Twin, Elmer Bernstein, Armando Trovaioli, J.S. Bach, REQ, Howe Gelb,… / production Vivarium
Studio / coproduction La Ménagerie de Verre (Paris), Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin), Festival d’Avignon,
Kunstencentrum Vooruit (Gand), Internationales Sommerfestival Hamburg, Les Spectacles vivants
- Centre Pompidou (Paris), Théâtre de l’Agora Scène nationale d’Evry et de l’Essonne, NXTSTP (with
the support of Programme Culture de l’Union Européenne) : Festival Baltoscandal (Rakvere), Rotterdamse Schouwburg / with the support of la Région Ile-de-France et du centquatre / La Compagnie Vivarium Studio est conventionnée par la DRAC Île-de-France, Ministère de la Culture / with the support of Culturesfrance