Archive NEXT 2011

Before Your Very Eyes

Gob Squad (Germany / United Kingdom)

80 minutes

"If we had known ..." What child has never dreamed of knowing what adult life will bring? And what adult has never looked back in nostalgia at their bygone childhood? Both occur in Before Your Very Eyes. Berlin theatre collective Gob Squad puts seven children together in a glass room. It is a confronting evening that dispels the myths of youth and adulthood!

concept, design and direction Gob Squad (Johanna Freiburg, Sean Patten, Berit Stumpf, Sarah Thom, Bastian Trost & Simon Will) / developed with and performed by Martha Balthazar, Maurice Belpaire, Spencer Bogaert, Zoë Breda, Faustijn De Ruyck, Ramses De Ruyck, Fons Dhossche, Tasja Doom, Gust Hamerlinck, Robbe Langeraert, Zoë Luca, Jeanne Vandekerckhove, Aiko Vanparys & Ineke Verhaegen / voice over Rigley Riley / performance coach Pascale Petralia / sound design Sebastian Bark, Jeff McGrory & Gob Squad / costumes An Breughelmans & Gob Squad / technical Korneel Coessens & Bart Huybrechts / set construction Atento / camera Philippe Digneffe, Pol Heyvaert & Gob Squad / video post-production Miles Chalcraft, Korneel Coessens, Sarah Michelle Harrison, Anna Zett & Gob Squad / dutch translation Pascale Petralia & Stephanie Dewachter / production assistance Stephanie Dewachter & Hilde Tuinstra / childcare Merel Van Den Steen / tour management Leen De Broe & Mat Hand / artistic co-ordination Nele De Sloover / production management Wim Clapdorp & Christina Runge / administrators Carl Gydé & Eva Hartmann / produced by CAMPO, GHENT (BE) AND GOB SQUAD (DE) / Hebbel Am Ufer, Berlin (D); Forum Freies Theater, Düsseldorf (D); Noorderzon, Groningen (NL); NEXT Festival, Eurometropole Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai+Valenciennes; Mousonturm, Frankfurt (D); La Bâtie-Festival de Genève (CH) / Gob Squad is funded by the Regierenden Bürgermeister von Berlin – Senatskanzlei Kulturelle Angelegenheiten.