Archive NEXT 2016

Arranged by date

Lenio Kaklea (Greece / France)

45 minutes

Forgotten your pincode ? Lenio Kaklea makes a dazzling dance solo about it ! 

An unforeseen event triggered the young Greek dancer and choreographer Lenio Kaklea to make this solo : she forgot the pincode of her credit card. Arranged by date begins as an attempt to remember what the memory keeps hidden, then unfolds as a mythological story and finally culminates in an exploration of the financial world and the vocabulary that is used in it. Kaklea asks the public what memory loss means in an era as automatized as ours. Will there soon be nothing left to remember ? Word, rhythm and dance are combined in this solo from 2012, presented by Kaklea in a new version now. Arranged by date is to be seen the same evening as A kind of Fierce by Katerina Andreou.

Lenio Kaklea was born in Athens and is living in Paris now. She studied dance in France and also took a master's course with Bruno Latour at Sciences Po about the link between art and politics. As a dancer Kaklea worked together with well-known choreographers such as Boris Charmatz, Emmanuelle Huynh, François Chaignaud and Cecilia Bengolea. She developed the project 'matter of act' in which spectators of the Athens & Epidaurus Festival reconstructed performances and scrutinized the relationship between audience, performance and programming. She also developed fluctuat nec mergitur, a 'choreographed file' with 250 participants. Together with dance legend Lucinda Childs she created the solo deux  l.

*18.11 - Motus + Lenio Kaklea double bill

CHOREOGRAPHY, TEXT, VIDEO & DANCE Lenio Kaklea IN COLLABORATION WITH Lou Forster EXTRACT FROM The Beginning Of Memory, Laurie Anderson, Homeland 2010 LIGHTS Philippe Gladieux COSTUMES La Bourette SOUND Eric Yvelin PRODUCTION Le O Association COPRODUCTION Centre National Pour La Danse et Le Théâtre D’athènes, E.Ke.The.H ; Musée De La Danse, Ccnrb, Rennes WITH THE SUPPORT OF La Ménagerie De Verre ; Cndc, Angers ; Cnd, Pantin et Workspace Brussels ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sarah Chaumette, Maria Apostolakea, Dalila Khatir, Joris Lacoste Et Paf, Performing Arts Forum