The versatile Anna Gaïotti bridges in her work the gap between erotic writing and the poetic body. After her study at Beaux-Arts in Paris, she started with classical dance at the age of 24, after which she also discovered contemporary dance. She performed with choreographers such as Mark Tompkins and the director and circus artist Phia Ménard and has practised Japanese swordfighting since she was 12. In her work, which focuses on the female body, she mixes all these influences to a whole.
A central place in her work is granted to the world's oldest profession : the prostitute. This is also the case for Les Antécédentes, the third production of her company Lovalot. The last few years Gaïotti immersed herself in the nightlife of Zürich. She was especially struck by the Langstrasse where prostitutes and transsexuals from Latin-America and Asia live together, and where partying and sex work go hand in hand. There Gaïotti saw how shady relationships were settled with money but she also discovered great joy in spite of the roughness. Afterwards she went in search of the boundaries of her own intimate life.
Les Antécédentes shows the metamorphosis of a human being in search of sexual energy. On stage, Gaïotti throws her own body into the battle. With dance, text and self-made costumes she creates an exciting total spectacle for which she drew inspiration from the Japanese No theatre and the figure of the clown. Vierge Noir e completes the picture with a raw, ecstatic soundtrack.
CHOREOGRAPHY & TEXT Anna Gaïotti / DANCERS Anna Gaïotti, Clément De Boever / MUSIC Léo Dupleix, Sigolène Valax / LIGHT DESIGN & CONTROL Estelle Gautier / SOUND CONTROL Thibaut de Raymond / PRODUCTION LOVALOT / PRODUCITON & DEVELOPMENT Maison Trouble - Barbara Coffy-Yarsel / COPRODUCTIONS Ménagerie de Verre Paris, kunstencentrum BUDA Kortrijk / HOSTING Tanzhaus Zürich, GMEM Marseille, Montévidéo Marseille / WITH THE SUPPORT OF DICRéAM - CNC et de la DRAC Île-de-France