Archive NEXT 2018


Pol Pi (France / Brasil)

50 minutes

A solo of body and language

Alexandre began with a language whose words Paul/a Pi didn't understand. In 2012 the Brazilian choreographer heard an Indian of the Xavante tribe speak.  The conversation lasted only two minutes and evidently was about a male initiation rite. The musicality of the language and the mystery that surrounded it kept haunting Pi. One word she understood : Alexandre. From this experience Pi began to think about the otherness of the indian language but also about her own existence in Paris. How does a language define our body ?  Can we link movements to words ? Could there be a flowing transition between these extremes ?

Last year Pi performed five dance solos at NEXT under the name Ecce (H)omo. With her body, her voice and the rhythms of an Indian tabla player for material she now forms a ritual in which dream and reality, masculinity and femininity imperceptibly merge. With a lot of elegance she explores the space in which words and movements blend. The French art critic Florian Gaité describes Alexandre as follows : 'I didn't see the time tick away and when I came outside I missed something and I didn't understand everything but the more days pass, the more I love Alexandre.''

Paul/a Pi first took a training in music, theatre and butoh before turning to contemporary dance. She obtained the master diploma ex.e.r.ce in Montpellier (2013-2015) and danced a.o. for choreographers Holly Cavrell, Clarissa Sachelli, Eszter Salamon, Latifa Laâbissi, Nadia Lauro, Pauline Simon and Anna Anderegg. In 2015 Paul/a Pi joined the Scènes du Geste team of Christophe Wavelet.  Since 2010 she has developed her own choreographic projects that have been performed on several stages and at festivals in Brazil. Ecce (H)omo was her first own creation in France, in which Pi danced the Affectos Humanos of the German choreographer Dore Hoyer : an epoch-making composition of expressionism and modern dance in general, to the music of Dimitri Wiatowitsch.

Paul/a Pi

PROJECT BY AND WITH Paul/a Pi / DRAMATURGY AND SOUND Gilles Amalvi / DRAMATURGY Pauline Le Boulba / ARTISTIC COLLABORATION Rachel Garcia / LIGHTS & STAGE Florian Leduc / ACCOMPANIMENT IN SOMATIC PRACTICES Violeta Salvatierra / PERFORMER DURING THE CREATION PROCESS Sorour Darabi / ADMINISTRATION & PRODUCTION BureauProduire / THANKS TO Neo Huelcker, Alexandre Lemos, José Valmir Ruzeré Imãmã, Viviane Ronbidzari’õ Inã, Paulo Cézar Tsitõti and the entire community of Aldeia Belém, Mathilde Gautry, Prabhu Edouard, Maïwenn Rebous and Nathalie Becquet, Lisa Biscaro Balle, Coline Bulloz and Gwendal Raymond / PRODUCTION NO DRAMA / COPRODUCTION Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, CND Centre national de la danse, Festival Montpellier Danse 2018, Centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie direction Alban RICHARD dans le cadre de "l'Accueil-Studio, CCNO Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans dans le cadre de l’accueil studio 2018, La Maison CDCN - Uzès Gard Occitanie, La Place de la Danse - CDCN Toulouse-Occitanie, Le Vivat Armentières, Charleroi danse / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Arcadi / WITH THE SUPPORT OF PACT Zollverein, Montévidéo – Créations contemporaines – Atelier de Fabrique Artistique, les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, ICI-CCN Montpellier - Occitanie / Pyrénées Méditerranée – Direction Christian Rizzo, and FONDOC / WITH THE SUPPORT Montpellier Danse 2018, résidence de création à l’Agora, cité internationale de la danse, with the support of Fondation BNP Paribas.