Archive NEXT 2015

Ad Noctum

Christian Rizzo (France)

60 minutes

The brand-new performance Ad Noctum is a tribute of the trend-setting French choreographer Christian Rizzo to “the dark” and the nocturnes of Chopin and Satie. For this dance duet Rizzo works again with two performers who already shone in his previous performances : Julie Guibert and Kerem Gelebek. The third protagonist is a totem/monolith which sends out sound, light and image over the stage and allows the dancers to move in a virtual world. Rizzo has named his company l'Association Fragile because he is more interested in a vulnerable dancer than in a technically perfectly trained performer. Rizzo was artist in residence in deSingel and the Opéra de Lille before he became the new artistic leader of the Centre Choréographique National de Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon.

CHOREOGRAPHY, SCENOGRAPHY AND COSTUME: Christian Rizzo, PERFORMED BY: Kerem Gelebek, Julie Guibert, MUSIC COMPOSITION: in progress, LIGHT CREATION: Caty Olive, COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGES: Iuan-Hau Chiang, EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION: I.C.I – centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier, PRODUCTION: I.C.I – centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon, COPRODUCTION: association Fragile, le lieu Unique (Nantes), tu-nantes, centre de développement chorégraphique Toulouse / Midi-Pyrénnées, les spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou – Paris, centre chorégraphique national de Tours (dans le cadre de l’accueil studio), lux – scène nationale de Valence, festival de danse Cannes, SUPPORTED BY: le programme in vivo electro de l’académie manifeste-2015 (collaboration Ircam / les spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou)

