Archive NEXT 2014

A House in Asia

Agrupación Señor Serrano (Spain)

60 minutes

A ruthless portrait of the decade following 9/11, which set the trend for the 21st century.

Like in Deep Dish, the opening performance of NEXT 2014, and in the memorable Kiss and Cry, the Catalans of Agrupación Serrano use video cameras to film micro events, which transform in front of our very eyes into a macro projection on a large screen. All attention goes to the star of the show, that is the scale-model of a house. Not just any model, but that of the Pakistani house of Osama Bin Laden, which exists in four specimens, each of them in a different scale. There is the replica on a marine basis of the American army for the training of the Marine Corps, the avatar built by Columbia Pictures for the shooting of Zero Dark Thirty, and finally the model that is on stage in this performance. A House in Asia combines live recorded images, images from videogames and documentaries and live interventions of the actors/performers, thus reconstructing poetically and virtually an allegory of the attack of the house of Bin Laden in the Far West. 

CREATION Alex Serrano, Pau Palacios and Ferran Dordal / PERFORMANCE Alex Serrano, Pau Palacios and Alberto Barberá / VOICES James Phillips (Matt) and Joe Lewis (young marine) / PRODUCTION AND ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Barbara Bloin / LIGHT DESIGN Alberto Barberá / VIDEO-CREATION Jordi Soler / SOUND DESIGN AND ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Roger Costa Vendrell/ COSTUMES Alexandra Laudo / SCALE MODELS Nuria Manzano / TECHNOLOGY ADVISORS Eloi Maduell and Martí Sánchez-Fibla / LEGAL ADVISOR Cristina Soler/ PROJECT ADVISOR Víctor Molina / PHOTOGRAPHYNacho Gómez / MANAGEMENT Iva Horvat / Agente129 / PRODUCERS GREC 2014 Festival de Barcelona (premiere on July 10 2014), Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts et Sciences – Meylan, Festival TNT - Terrassa Noves Tendències/CAET, Monty Kultuurfaktorij, La Fabrique du Théâtre - Province de Hainaut / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat, INAEM, Festival Hybrides de Montpellier, Festival Differenti Sensazioni / SPECIAL THANKS TO Montserrat Bou, Emma Argilés, Olga Tormo, Carmen Zamora and Cristina Mora / THANKS TO, Max Glaenzel, Marta Baran, Berta Díaz Laudo, Ro Esguerra, Henar Rodríguez (Escola de maquillatge Montserrat Fajardo), Carine Perrin, Matis Guillem, Rosa Pozuelo, Àngela Ribera, Valérie Cordy, Denis Van Laeken and Iván Gómez García.